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Helping protect the future of sport for all athletes*
Move to Zero is Nike's journey toward zero Sustainable materials include recycled polyester
carbon and zero waste to help protect the future or organic cotton. Recycled polyester reduces
of sport. We exist to serve athletes everywhere carbon emissions and waste. Organic cotton is
and that's why we're on a mission to help ensure grown without synthetic fertilizers and with less
a healthy planet. For us, there is no finish line. water than conventional cotton. will now display a sunburst
logo next to products made with sustainable For more information on Nike Sustainabilíty
materials. Look for this logo to find products please visit or
made with at least 50% sustainable materials by
weight, exclusive of trlms.
Matchday ........................................................................................... 4
Training ....................................................................................................... 70
Lifestyle ........................................................................................................................... 140
Equipment _ _ _ _ _ . 162
Y E . …
© VaporKnit ||| Jersey ……5
Liíecycle Available in
January 2021 - December 2022 S - M » L - XL - 2XL
Futures only
I f“' ¡
cw3m1mo cwa1m4m cwa1ouss cmmpssv
Black! a…/ While/Whne/ Royal a…/ Un…… Red/
Black! (wma) While/(Black) Royal a…/ a… Cnmson/
Product Features
- This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler fibers.
- Nike Vaporl
- Quick-drying, open»hole fabric helps you slay cool in high-heat zones.
- Sirelchy. slim cul fils close lo me body so it slays cul of your way.
- Slim ñl for a tailored feel.
% Sustainable materials
%» Sustainable materials
© Strike " Jersey S/S RRP 231.95
Lifecycle Available in
January 2021 - December 2022 S - M > L - XL - 2XL
cw35444110 cwswon cw35444m cw35444m cw554usa cwe5ws57
Black ¡ Eiack/ Black ¡ vw White / While/ M…… N… ¡ R…i Blue ¡ ……qu Red ¡
(Whil97 (While) (Black) Pholo Elue/ casa.… ¡ Enghl c…msa… / Product Features - This product is made with at least 75% recycled poiyester libers. Mesh on the back and sides provides addilional breathabilily. Slim fil for a tailored feel. rsnm % Sustainable materials © Strike || Jersey SIS (Youth) Lilecycle Available in cw355rmo cwe55wn cwa55maa cw35574m cwsssusa Black! Eiack/ al… /Vaii/ Wnue / Whiie/ Midnighl Na… Royai Elue/ (Wmei (Whnei (Black) Fham Eine! casa… / II Product Features - This product is made with at ieasi 75% recycled poiyester iibers. Dri-FIT technology helps you stay dry and comfortable. RRP 222.95 FIRF' 222.95 cw355rs57 %» Sustainable materials © Women's Strike || Jersey SIS Lilecycle Available in January 2021 - December 2022 XS - S - M - L » XL cwsssamo cwsssaon cw35534m cwssszmn cwzs5usa Black! Black/ au…/vw Whne / Wmle/ M…gm Navy! …… Blue! (wmrel (Whne) (au…; Fholo Blue ¡ ousm.z… ¡ Product Features - This product is made with at least 75% recycled polyester libers. Mesh on the back and sides provides addilional breathabilily. Malchday RRP 231.95 cws553a57 rsnm %_ Malchday Challenge … Jersey SIS RRP£31.95 Lilecycle Available in January 2020 - December 2021 S - M > L - XL - 2XL Bvs7nama Evewzaan av57a&302 ave7aa453 Bv57nus57 Black ¡ (wmel Whvhe / (Black7 v…e Green / Royal e… ¡ Umversny Red ¡ Product Features - 100% Polyesler. - Dri»FIT lechnalogy helps keep you dry and comfortable. - Flibbed collar and cuñs deliver a relro look and feel. rsnm 1D Challenge … Jersey SIS (Youth) RRP£22.95 Lifecycle Available in Product Features - mo% Polyester. - Dri-FIT technology helps keep you dry end comfonable. ' Hibbed collar and cuñs deliver ¡¡ retro look and (eel. renm 11 Sustainable materials © Striped Division ¡v Jersey Lilecycle Available in cwsezwss cw3525655 cw33257719 Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyester fibers. - Nike Dri-FIT technology moves sweat from your skin for quicker - Lightweight mesh on the back adds breathability. - Standard lil for a relaxed, easy feel. Matchday RRP 217.95 RRP 217.95 cwaazmz , % Sustainable materiais 12 Malchday © Striped DÍVÍSÍOI1 IV Jersey RRP£21.95 Lifecycle Avaiiable in January 2321 - December 2023 S - M » L - XL - 2XL cwsewnm CW3813400 cwammz cwsamaa cw:ms4na cwaewm2 Anlhracne ¡ White ¡ Black / Whne/ Reyal wma/ While ¡ P…e Green ¡ Black! (wmey (Black) Biue / (Eiack) Unwe(suly Eine! Umvewsny Red! Black ¡ (wma) cwsmum cwsamasa cwsmmg Royal Blue! umveqsuy Red ¡ Tour Veiiaw/ Elank/ (wma al… ¡ (wmev Buck/(While) Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyesier fibers. - Nike Dri-FIT technology moves sweai from your skin for quicker - Lightweighi mesh on the back adds breaihability. - Slim fit for a tailored feel. van… 13 Sustainable materials © Striped Division ¡v Jersey Li(ecycle Available in Elank/ (wme7 Black! (wme7 BWszk/(Whule) Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled pulyester fibevs. - Nike Dri-FIT technology moves Sweat from ya… skm for quicker - Lightweight mesh on the back adds brealhability. - Standard ¡it for a relaxed, easy feel. Mammay RRP 216.95 RRP 216.95 cw3m 97302 % Sustainable materials 14 Malchday © Women's Striped Division IV RRP£21.95 Lifecycle Avaiiable in Elank/ (wma) Black ¡ (wma) Buck/(While) Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyesier fibers. - Nike Dri-FIT technology moves Sweat from your skin for quicker - Lightweight mesh on the back adds breaihability. - Standafd iii for a relaxed, easy feel. Malchday Trophy IV Jersey SIS RRP£19.95 Li1ecycle Available in January 2020 - December 2022 S - M » L - XL - 2XL Bv57z&om Bv5725n53 Bv57254nn ave7zsam BV572535A Bv57254m BInck/Whhe/ Pewler Grey! whne / Buck! Fme Green! Hyper r…q ¡Vell M1dmgm Naw/ rwmey angm Camsw/ (Black) Gmge Greeu/ ¡ (una… m… a»… avamnz Bv5725453 Bv5725657 Bve725419 svmsmg umvemly su… R…: Eme! Umvers4ly Red/ Tour YeHow/ Salely Orange! mum… Navy/ Mm…gm Navy! Team Red! Umversuly Gnm/ …… Orange! fwmxe) (Whlle) ¡wma su… (su… Produc1 Features This product is made with at least 5D% recycled polyester ñbers. Mesh side stripes and back panel add breathability. Slim fit for a tailored feel. ¡ g a ¡ 15 rsnm Trophy IV Jersey SIS (Youth) Lifecycle Available in …nº… aveu…a aveu…7 am…… …nº… Product Features - This product is made with at ¡east 50% recycled potyester iibers. - Mesh side stripes and back panel add brealhabiiíty. - S¡im fil for a tailored fee). 16 RRP 214.95 FIRP 214.95 avanza… a 17 Matchday Tiempo Premier Jersey LIS mm… Lifecycle Available in m424&mn 5942434157 ¡194245400 ¡194245302 M…… ¡394245411 Black/white! Pemer Grey! White! Buck! P|ne Green! Mm… Navy! Mim4gm Naw/ rwme7 m…! (BA…) (Blaclq wm: ¡ (wm… Unwenshy Real wnne/(wnne; ¡3942433412 55424545; 594245454 ¡394245557 5942Msz 594243773? urivevsily a.… n…: Blue! Royal Blue ¡ Universny Red/ V… F…“ University sau/ Wnnel(wmxe) whheanne) Umvemly Gnid ¡ wm / (wma) B4mk / ¡am. Blank! (Bank) Mnnei 99424&515 Samy Orange ¡ m…: (a.… Product Features 100% Polyester. Nike Dry fabric helps you stay dry and comfortable. rsnm 18 Tiempo Premier Jersey LIS Lilecycle Available in Product Features - mo% Polyesler. - Dri»FIT lechnalogy helps you stay dry and comforlable. sºn 1341 (: asu 137552 Malchday RRP 214.95 RRP 214.95 5941 l 3741 1 5941 l 37739 19 Matchday Tiempo Premier Jersey SIS RRP 216.95 Lifecycle Available in mw… 59423n057 5942m4m ammm 5942m—4m 39423n411 au…/wme/ Pew|e( Grey! whne ¡ Buck! Fme Green! Mumgm Naw/ M…gm Na… (wme7 Black! (am… (Black) Wme / (wmu7 umvensm¡ Real wmlel(wmle) 394230412 agazswsa asazsnm EM230—657 aºtzs&ssz msnm umveqs¿ly av.… n…: Blue/ Rºyal a… Umve(sny Red/ wa p…: Umvecslly Gold! Wmlel(wnue) Whne ¡…ne; Umvemly e… ¡ Whhe / (Wmey 34… / (Bank) a|…/ (a… ¡wme> mmm Safety Ovange ¡ B|…/ (EA.—m Product Features 100% Polyester. Dri»FIT technology helps you stay dry and comfortable. Mesh back panel provides additional brealhability. 20 Tiempo Premier Jersey SIS Lilecycle Available in [ ' ' Mma) ag41we<5 Product Features - 100% Polyesler. - Dri»FIT lechnalogy helps you stay dry and comforlable. I aºun4m asmreez Malchday RRP 212.95 RRP 212.95 ag… 1741 l 5941 l l 7739 rsnm % Sustainable m…: 21 Legend Jersey SIS Matchday RRP 219.95 unaaamo …… .… %» Sustainable materials 22 Legend Jersey SIS (Youth) Lilecycle January 2019 - December 2021 ,|. mamma A.nmn400 A_Hmaáll A.nmnAea (W…) Product Features &" “' … ma4m A.H ma557 Umvevslly Red/ Mme) Available in :, 'A' Mmmm miawaanz Ml0l0>739 u…vers.ry Gnld/ f5Lackl - This product is made with at least 75% recycled polyesler libers. Dri-FIT lechnalogy helps you stay dry, comfortable and focused. Hybrid v-neck collar has taped seams for a smooth feel. Malchday RRP 214.95 FIRF' 214.95 Ml … mom rsnm Park VII Jersey LIS Ule0ycle avsmsm a Eva7ow oo avamsanz Ev57m&557 avevoas77 avamsqn2 4' ¿. % Sustainable materials 23 M alchday Available in S-M>L-XL-2XL avemmo Bv57n5412 ev57…ss M…gm Navy! L'mvevsny Blue/ Royal ame! |Whnel (wmv (w…) avemq.9 Bv57nsmº renm % 24 Sustainable materials Park VII Jersey LIS (Youth) Lilecycle Available in Evs7wom Bv67wmn Bv574man2 Bve74muo Ev5700412 M…e) ¡wme1 (Wme) Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler f¡bers. - Mesh back panel adds breathabílity. - Slim fil lar a tailored feel. Msxicnuay RRP 211.95 FIRF' 211.95 evs7wm % Sustainable materials 25 Malchday © Park Derby … Jersey S/S RRP£11.95 Lilecycle Available in January 2021 - December 2023 S - M » L - XL - 2XL cwsezsmo cwsazs snack/J… >… Green ¡ Navy! Rºyal Blue! se… Purple! Un…… Red! a… l(wmxe) Tour Yellnw/ Tour Vellow/ University Red/ Wme/ (wma; Midnight N…/ cw35257577 cwsazsazo T… Red/ Tour Yelhw/ Unlveqsuy Blue/ Royal Blue/ (While) (While) Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyester fibers. rsnm % 26 Sustainable materials Matchday © Park Derby … Jersey S/S RRP 213.95 Li(ecycle Available in January 2021 - December 2023 XS - S - M - L RRP 213.95 cwsesamo cw3833403 cwaasz4m cwsazwso cwmaw cw…ws55 Elank/ Jersey >… Gveen ¡ M|dmght Na… nº… Etue/ o… Purptel Un…… Red! e… l(whne) ra… Vena… Tour Veu…/ Unwer5|ly Red/ Wh|te/ (w…) M…gm …… (wma Mme) ¡wr…e) (wma) cw38337577 cwsaacwzu T… Red/ Tam Yelraw/ Umverswty Btue/ Reyal Btue/ (wma) (wn—.m. Product Features - This product ¡5 made with 100% recycled polyester fíbers. % Sustainable mmñals 27 Matchday Park V" Jersey SIS RRP£14.95 Lifecycle Available in January 2020 - December 2023 S - M » L - XL - 2XL Bva7n&oln Bvs7omm avs7amnz Bve7oaas4 BV!7DBAID Bv5m412 Black! (wm) While/(Black7 p…e &eeu/ Hyper Turq/ Mumgm N…/ un4veqswy Blue! BV57MZ Bveme547 Bva7nuas Bve7na¿57 BVB705677 avsm7nz n…: Blue! oo… PumAe/ angm c……/ uma… Red/ Team Red/ vm; / (Blu:la (wm) (wmle) (Black; (While) (wn… Bvs7ne7ls Bvame729 avamamg Tour Yellnw ¡ Jersey Guld/ su… o…ge/ (Black) (Black) (Black) Praduc1 Features This product is made with at least 75% recycled polyester fubers. Mesh back panel adds brealhability. Slim fit for a tailored feel. renm ? ,º / 9 ("a %» Sustainable materials 28 Park VII Jersey SIS (Youth) Lilecycle Available in even… a even… oo Bvaw ¿m2 Bvs741a54 avsm 410 Black ¡ (wmey w…e ¡ (Black) »… Green / Hyper me ¡ M…… …… avsnmes Ev674p547 Bv5741á35 avem 7557 avs… 4577 Royal Blue/ en… Pumle/ Enghl c..…m/ Umversuly Red/ Team Red/ (wmxe7 (wn—ne; (au…; …… (w…) even… 9 aveunzs avaw 781 9 r… Yellnw ¡ Jersey Gnld/ 5… Orange/ (Black] (Ena… (Black) Producl Features . ... This product is made with at least 75% recycled polyester ñbers. Mesh back panel adds breathabilily. Slim fil for a tailored feel. Malchday RRP 210.95 RRP 210.95 avsm 741 z avsunaz renm % Sustainable materials 29 Malchday Women's Park V" Jersey RRP£14.95 Ule0ycle avena… Ev572moo avavzmo1 ……) Product Features Mesh on the back adds brealhability. Available in II ave7zms4 Bv5725410 EV5725412 r… Vellow ¡ e…) This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler fibers. Malchday © VaporKnit ||| Short ……5 l.ilecycle Available in cwsmmo cwsw4m cwaaames cwsaaws57 Elaek/ Elaek/ While [Whne/ Royal Blue/ Unwersuly Red/ rwmm (Black) Obsldlan ¡ Br… Crimson ¡ Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler fibers. - Nike Vaporl - Flyvenl waislband combines elaslic and mesh for a brealhable. snug feel. - Open-hole fabric in high»heal zones helps you slay cool when the game heals - Slim fil for a tailored feel. % Sustainable materials 30 Malchday © Venom … Woven Short RRP£31.95 Lilecycle Available in Product Features 31 Matchday Laser IV Woven Short nap ¡19.95 Lifecycle Available in January 2019 - December 2021 S - M - L - XL - 2XL wzasmo A|12454m AJ1245—302 Mus… A:12454|2 A.nzasm Black! rwmey While/(Black) Plne Gee—ul Mldnlght Navy! Unlvevsny Blue/ Royal Blue! “12457557 umvevslty Red ¡ (wma) Product Features 100% Polyester. Dri»FIT technology helps you stay dry. comfortable and focused. Mesh side stripes add breaihabiliiy. Elaslic waistband with flat drawcord provides a personalized lit. Swoosh design trademark is embroidered on the left leg. f_'_ 32 rsnm 33 Laser IV Woven Short (Youth) Lilecycle Available in ¡…zemw M12514M mzama2 Muze…n …zeww Ela:k/(Whlrel Willie/(Black) FlneGreen/ Mrdnvgthavyl Umvewsuyñlue/ ¡ulzevss7 u…myned/ (erel Product Features 100% Polyesler. Dri»FIT lechnology helps you stay dry, comforlable and focused. Mesh side stripes add breathability. Elaslic waistband with llal drawcord provides a personalized lit. Swoosh design trademark is embroidered on lhe left leg. Malchday RRP 214.95 FlFlP 214.95 Ml2617463 JS % Sustainable materials 34 Malchday © League " Knit Short RRP£1G.95 Lilecycle Available in Ev5552477 avsaszsn BV5552657 Bvsa5zagl (Whlle) ¡wma Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler fibers. Slim fil for a tailored feel. Elaslic waistband and drawcord. rsnm League II Knit Short (Youth) Lifecycle Available in eveeee… e…e…o ev…eanz eveeeaezg EvsssaAio ee… W…… w… / er…; »… Green/ e… en… M…… …… (Whi167 (Black) While / (Whi121 Biack/ (Black) While / (WWE) evee…n eveaeew evaaeeesr eveaeaegr r… a… ¡ e… …… u…e… Red/ Team Orange! While/(While) White/(While) While/MME) Bist/(Elack) Product Features - This product is made with 100% recyc|ed poiyesier flbers. Slim … for a tailored Íeei. Elasiic waistband and drawcord. 35 RRP 212.95 FIRP 212.95 avew453 % Sustainable materials 36 Malchday © Park ||| Knit Short ……5 Ule0ycle Available in January 2020 - December 2023 S - M » L - XL - 2XL avsassom Evee5&m7 Bv55554nn Bveessaoz avsass Black ¡ (w…) …… G(ey ¡ wmte / (Evack) Fme Gfeen ¡ Hype( r…q ¡ Mm…gm u…/ Bv5855412 Bv6555453 5v5355435 Bvsessa57 Ev55554577 avsas5vnz Unwe.suy sw… a…: su… Bnghl c……/ Unwersuly Red/ Team Red/ vou / (Black) (Wh1m (wma; (au…; Mhne) (w…) EV5855715 Bvea55739 avaas5ms Tem Yellnw ¡ Uruve|suy Gem ¡ Sa(ay Orange/ (Bvack) (Black) (au…; Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler fibers. Slim fit for a tailored feel. rsnm % Sustainable materials 37 W Park Ill Knit Short (Youth) Lilecycle Available in avsas54)m Bvaaasrm7 Bvaae54nn Bvsesmz Bv5855<554 (Black) ¡lll/Me) (Bum Product Features This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler fibers. Slim fil for a tailored feel. Malchday RRP ¡19.95 RFlP 29.95 avsm5w n avsas54nz % Sustainable mterials 38 Women's Park III Knit Short Li1ecycle Available in January 2020 - December 2023 XS - S - M - L » XL avsasoom Bveaw1m Bvaaen4m avessomz Bvxasnm au.… rw…) wma/(Black) M.a…gm Navy! Umve(suly Blue! Rwa18lue/ Bvsama77 aveaeo7<9 …… Red/ m… Yellow / (wma) (Black) Product Features This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler fibers. Slim ñt for a tailored feel. Malchday RRP 211.95 avs…57 rsnm 39 Park Little Kids Set Lifecycle 'n .'| cD2244m 0 (21122444 en comuuz Ela:k/Elack/ Whl¡e/Whue/ v…e Green/ (wma) (Black) Pm Green / Product Features Standard ¡it for a relaxed, easy feel. Available in XS-S-M-L-XL '¡ '¿ '¡ emmm a c02244493 Dri-FIT lechnalogy helps keep you dry and comfortable. Maxxcm19y RRP 222.95 cu224mss7 % Sustainable m…; 40 Matchday Gardien … GK Jersey L/S RRP£57.95 Liíecycle Available in Green Spam! 1… Royal! Team o:…ge/ ug“ Green Blue Spark ¡ Bullmm Dfange/ Spark ¡ (Green (r… Royal) (r… Orange) Spark) Product Features This product is made with at least 50% recycled palyester libers. Flexible fabric on the sleeves. rsnm ¿% Sustainable materials A1 Malchday Gardien … GK Jersey LIS RRP£45.95 Lilecycle Available in avsnuss Bv6743477 av…aaºi Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler fibers. Dri»FIT lechnology helps keep you dry, comfortable and focused. Flexible labric on the sieeves. % Sustainable m…: 42 Matchday Goalkeeper Gardien III Jersey nap 254.95 Lilecycle Available in Green Smke/ 1… Royal! Team o… Hgm Green Blue se… ¡ ann… Dfange/ Spark ¡ (Green (r… Reyna (r… Orange) Spark) Product Features - This product is made wilh at least 5D% recycled polyester libere. - Dri»FIT technology helps keep you dry, comfortable and focused. - Flexible fabric on the sleeves give you the lreedom lo make every seve. 43 Malchday Padded Goalkeeper Tight RRP£49.95 April 2020 - December 2021 S - M > L - XL - 2XL (Whirei Product Features - 80% Polyesler/20% Spandex. - Arlioulated padding on the hips provides llexible impact absarplion. rsnm 44 Maxx::…ay Product Features - 50% Poiyesier/20% Spandex. - Aniculated padding on the hips provides impact absovption. - Dri-FIT technology heips keep you dry, comfortable and focused. 45 Malchday Padded Goalkeeper Short nap 239.95 April 2020 - December 2021 S - M > L - XL - 2XL (Whiie) Product Features - 80% Polyesier/20% Spandex. - Aniculated padding on the hips provides ilexible impact absmpiion. rsnm 46 Maxx::…ay Padded Goalkeeper Short RRP229.95 (Y outh) Li(ecycle Available in January 2020 - December 2021 XS - S - M - L RRP 229.95 (WMEW Product Features - 50% Polyester/20% Spandex. - Aniculated padding on the hips provides impact absovption. - Dri-FIT technology heips keep you dry, comfortable and focused. 47 Matchday Park IV GK Jersey LIS RRP£31.95 Lifecycle Available in January 2020 - December 2023 S - M - L - XL - 2XL Product Features ' 100% Polyester. - Mesh across the back helps keep you cool when the game heats up. Slim fit for a tailored feel. rsnm 48 Park IV GK Jersey L/S (Youth) RRP 222.95 Lifecycle cesanma usn7zo5z ceso72463 Product Features Available in XS-S-M -L FIRP 222.95 veu ¡ Whlle / Saíely Orange ¡ (BWsck) Whue/l51ack) - Mesh across the back helps keep you cool when the game heats up. Síim fil (or a tailored Íee¡. Dri-FIT technology he¡pe keep you dry, comfortable and locused. Malchday Nike Dry Referee Tºp LIS RRP£41.95 Li1ecycle Available in Jun52018>M3mh 2022 XS -S- M -L>XL-2XL Mmmm AMT/a&nso Amvseaso Mnm¿51 mnst mmm Product Features - This product is made with at least 75% recycled polyester iibers. Nike Dry fabric moves Sweat from your skin far quicker evaporation—helping 2 large chest pockeis secure storage with interior strap closures. Raglan sleeves eliminaie shoulder seams lo let your arms move naiurally. % Sustainable materials 49 Matchday N|ke Dry Referee TOP SIS RRP 242.95 … Amracnel Grey / ¡Dm ey… Glew! algum… Green: (von) Total Dr.mge/ Nike Dry fabric moves Sweat (mm your skin for quicker evaporation—helping 2 large chest pockets secure storage with interior strap closures. Flaglan sleeves allow for a natural range oi motion. Color—tipping along the collar adds a subtle contrast. % Sustainable un… 50 %» Sustainable materials 51 Matchde Nike Dry Referee Short RRP£31.95 Lilecycle Available in Black ¡ Elank/ …m…ep Product Features - This product is made with at least 50% recycled polye5ter tibers. - Nike Vaporknit technology combines iightweighl cooling, reduced ciing and - Quick-drying. high»stretch yam pvovide5 flexible comfort. - Precision fit conforms to your body for a streamlined feel. rsnm 52 ¡( Malchday Matchfit SOCk RRP 212.95 Lilecycle Available in ,lll cv< 55srm n cv1955400 cv1ºsmaz cv1gsaezs cv195aaso cv1956412 (wmel (Black) ¡wme) (BlacN Product Features - 92% Polyeslel/5% Cotton/3% Spandex. Dri»FIT lechnalogy helps keep feet dry and comfortable. Cushiomng in high-wear areas adds durability and helps absorb impact. Anatomically correct left/right design for a natural fit. rsnm 53 Malchday CIHSSÍC SOCk " RRP 25.95 Lifecycle Available in January 2017 - December 2021 XS: UK 12>2 - S: UK 2-5 - M: UK 5.5-7.5 )) )) "v "v )) )! sx572&m n sx572wns? sx57284m sx572a1 … sx572mn2 sx5728411 su… ¡ (mm Pewie( Grey! Whhe/ (Biack) Whue / (Reyal Plne Green! M¡dmghl N…/ sx57zam 2 sx57254m sx5729,545 sx572&eae sx572&s7n sx57zxwoz Umveqsuy ame/ a…: Blue/ c…… Furp4e/ Unwersuly Red/ Team Red/ … / (Buck) (wmxe) (wn-¡e) mae) ¡Wme) (wm… sx572&719 sx5729439 sx57zsms r… Yellow ¡ u…muy e… ¡ Saiay Orange/ (Exack) (Black7 (Black) Product Features - 97% Nylon/3% Spandex. Dri»FIT technology helps keep feet dry and comfortable. Anatomical left and right socks are designed for a natural fit. YEAM 54 Nike Squad Leg Sleeve RRP£S.95 Lifecycle Available in Product Features - 95% Polyesler/5% Spandex. - Sweat-wicking design helps your feet stay dry and comfortable. ' Mesh fabric adds venlilalion. van… 55 Malchday © Nike Matchfit Sleeve …….95 Li(ecycle I I cumema cu54194m cu54194m Product Features Available in II cum…m cu54194357 - Sweat-wicking fabric helps keep you dry and comfortable. - Flibbed design stretches for a secure fit. - Comes in a pair. % Sustainable materials 56 Matchday Park First Layer RRP 217.95 Lilecycle Available in January 2019 - Decembet 2023 S - M » L - XL - 2XL szsnsma szswn57 szmlm szmsnz szsos4m szenuuz Black! (muy … Grey! Whhe/ (com Flne Green! Man… N…/ un4ve szsnsua szem7547 szansea5 szmes7 szaoe7n2 szen9419 nº… Blue! oo… Fulvie/ angm c……/ u..¡…… Red/ Volt/(Black) TeurYellew ¡ (wm) (w…. (m…, (wn… (Black) szensmg Safety Orange ¡ an1xe) Product Features This product is made with 100% recycled polyester fibers. Dri»FIT lechnology helps you stay dry. comfortable and focused. Tighl fit gives a sireamlined look and feel. Raglan sleeves eliminale the shoulder seam lo help you move freely. Msxicnuay Park First Layer (Youth) RRP 212.95 Li(ecycle Available in AV251HMD ……n57 AV2MHOG szswsa2 mar…… …en… Black! rwmrey Pewler Grey/ Whne / (Coni P…a Green ¡ Mramgm N…/ …ver… Eine! S& Sustainable materials …… <… …… …; …… 17557 msnm Av25w719 szsi …º a… Blue/ c… …… u……… Ree/ von/(Elack7 … …… a… Orange/ (wma) (WI—ne) …… tara… [Wh|ie7 Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyesier fib575. Dri-FIT technology heip5 you stay dry, comforiable and focused. Tight fit gives a streamlined look and feet. Raglan sleeves eliminate the shoulder seam io heip you move freely. 57 58 Malchday Men's Nike Pro Tight Fit RRP£31.95 Lilecycle Available in …… Smoke (Buck) Gvey / (Black) Product Features - Body: 91»93% Polyester/7-9% Spandex. Panels: 92% Polyesler/8% Spandex. - Tight fit for a body-hugging feel. rsnm 59 M;:¡cm19y Men 5 N|ke Pro Long-Sleeve RRP 231.95 Top Li(eoycle Available in October 2019 - June 2021 s - M - L - XL- 2XL Bv559243m Elank/(Whué) Product Features Fabric: Body: 91% Potyester/9% Spandex. Panels: 92% Polyester/8% Spandex. Tight … for a body-hugging feel. YEAM 60 Maxtchtiay Men's Nike Pro Tight RRP£31.95 Li(ecycle Available in Black ¡ (wma) Product Features - Body: 91-93% Polyester/7-9% Spandex. Panels: 92% Polyester/8% Spandex. - Tight fit for a body-hugging feel. sar- 61 Malchday Men's Nike PI'O Tight Fit RRP£26.95 mecycle Available in October 2319 - June 2021 s - M _ |. - XL - 2x1. su…/ (ww… Wmle ue…) Product Features Body: 91»93% Polyester/7-9% Spandex. Panels: 92% Polyester/8% Spandex. Tight fit for a body-hugging feel. rsnm 62 Malchday Men's Nike Pro Short Long RRP£22.95 Li(ecycle Available in Black ¡ (wme7 Product Features - Body: 90-93% Polyester/7-10% Spandex. Mesh: 92% Pulyester/B% Spandex. - Nike Pm fabric provides a sweal-wucking layer ui support to he¡p you feel locked - The snug elaslic waistband is updated to be slightly higher and ¡hicker for more support and is vented for breathabi¡ity. Tight … for a body-hugging feel. Double-layer mesh pouch for breathability. Matchday ¡ . - Body: 90»93% PciyesIer/7-10% Spandex. Mesh: 92% Polyesler/8% Spandex. - Nike Pro labric provides a sweat—wicking hase layer of support lo help you feel - Stretchy fabric with a tighi feel allows you to move naturaily. - The snug elas1ic waisfoand is updated to be slighin higher and ihicker (or more - Double-iayered mesh punch is breathable. - Tight fil for a body-hugging feel. 64 Malchday Women's Alpha High-Support RRP£39.95 Lifecycle Available in M03407010 Product Features - Fabric: Body/back Iining insels: 79% Nylon/21% Spandex. Mesh/mesh Iining: Cups help keep your natural shape. Peñorations for brealhability where you need it. Adjustable back clasp for easy on and off. Dri»FIT technology helps keep you dry and comfortable. Modilled racerback design lets you move lree|y. %» Sustainable materials 65 Matchde Women's Nike SWOOSh RRP 231.95 t.ilecycle Available in April 2020 - December 2024 xs - s - M - |. - XL - 2x1. Elííº%ºviia Product Features - This product is made with at least 5D% recycled polyester fibers. - Nike Pro fabric provides a sweat-wicking base layer of support to help you feel - Stretchy fabric with a tight feel allows you to move naturally. - The snug elastic waistband is updated to be slightly higher and thicker for more - Double-layered mesh pouch is breathable. - Tight fit for a body-hugging feel. %» Sustainable materials 66 Women's Victory Swoosh Lifecycle Available in January 2020 - December 2024 XS - S - M - L - XL - 2XL Bv39wom mmm wmlel Black ¡ Black ¡ Elack/ (Black) (whne) Product Features - This product is made with at least 75% recycled polyester fibers. Tighl fit for a body-hugging feel. Non padded. Malchday RRP 222.95 renm © Women's Tights Lilecycle Malchday RRP $134.95 Available in » Duazszmo / %» Sustainable materials 67 Product Features This product is made with at least 50% recycled polyester libers. Sireichy fabric with Dri»FIT lechnolcgy moves sweal from your skin lor quicker Soft fabric stays opaque lo help keep you conlidenlly covered, whether you're Full length. %» Sustamahle materials 68 Malchday © Women's 365 Tight RRP 234.95 Li(ecyele Available in Black ¡ (erel Product Features - This product is made with at least 50% recycled polyester fibers. Nike Dri-FIT technology helps you stay dry. comlonable and focused. A wide, smooth mid»rise waislband feels supponive around your core. Tight fit for a body-hugging feel. Mid rise. YEAM %» Sustainable materials © Women's 365 Short Lilecycle 69 Malchday RRP $222.95 Available in 019831 … n Product Features This product is made with at least 50% recycled polyester libere. Sirelchy fabric with Dri»FIT lechnalogy helps keep you feeling dry. comfortable The mid»rise design has a wide elaslic waislband thai wraps your care in The curved seam al the back and seams placed loward the back highlighl your Tighl fit for a body-hugging feel. Inseam: 5". ..… . rsnm % Sustainable materials 71 Training © Academy 21 Training Tºp RRP£1G.95 Li1ecycle Available in cwemun cws| m 7719 ¡mm) Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler fibers. Knit fabric is smooth, Iightweight and doesn't cling to your body. rsnm % 72 Sustainable materials © Academy 21 Training Top Lifecycle Available in cwema4577 cwemam (Black) Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler libers. - Dn-FIT technology heips keep you dry and comfonabke. - Mesh on the back and sleeves allow airllow so you stay coat. Tr; mg RRP 210.95 FlFlF' 210.95 cwe< 037557 Tr……ng I lWhlle) cwsl 047577 CW91MJIQ Team Red/ Tn… Yellow / Whlle ¡ Jersey Black/ Gold ¡ (wr—na Anthraclle ¡ Product Features - This product is made with 100% recycled pulyesler fibels. - Nike Dri-FIT technology helps keep you dry and comfortable. - Standard lil for a relaxed, easy feel. %» Sustainable materials 73 rsnm % 74 Sustainable materials © Academy 21 Polo (Youth) Lifecycle Available in cweme4577 cwsmsmg (Black) Producl Features - This product is made with 100% recycled polyesler l|bers. - Nike Dri-FIT technology helps keep you dry and comfortable. - Standard fil for a relaxed, easy feel. * :;;—»mz; RRP 220.95 FlFlP 220.95 cwe< asrs57 M %» Sustainable materials 75 ha…… © Academy 21 Drill Tºp RRP 232.95 Lilecycle Available in cwsw mm cwe11n4m cwsuoesz cwana45a cw5< 10453 cwe< …… cws< mrs77 cweunmg
……) (Whiiei
Dri-FIT lechnalogy helps you stay dry and comforlable.
Side panela are shaped like a lightning bolt for a fast look.
January 2021 - December 2022 XS - S - M - L
¡Whuel (wmer
Mesh on the back and sides provides additional breathabiliiy.
Side panels are shaped like a lightning bolt lor a fast look.
Standard iii for a relaxed, easy feel.
RRP 226.95
Univer5ily Red ¡
angm Crimson ¡
(Wr.ue) (wmre7
Dri-FIT lechnalogy helps you stay dry and comfortable.
Side panela are shaped like a lightning bolt for a fast look.
Standard fil for a relaxed, easy feel.
……qu Red ¡
Enghl c…msm ¡
¡Wh>¡e) Mhne) (w…)
- Slim fil la a tailored leel.
January 2020 - December 2021 XS - S - M - L FIRP 222.95
XL FIFIP 226.95
Evs7asma aveuaaao avmmnz ave73ues Ev57aa+357
Black ¡ ewaek/ Whue / wme/ F1ne Green / Raye15…e/ un…ersuy Red/
(wme) (Black) v…e Grsen/ Roye1 Eme/ Umverswly Red/
(wma) (Whue) (wme7
' Siim fil for a tailored feei.
LIS (Youth)
January 2021 - December 2023 XS - S - M — L
i ' ' … i
cw382543w cw3825400 cwammz cm525403 cw38254m
Anthraculel White! Brack! wma / Royai w…/ w…/
Black ¡ (wmei (Elank7 Biue/ (Brack) University Eiuel University Red!
(Buck) (Biaclq
Royal Blue! u…ve.suy Red! Tour Yeiiaw/
Black ¡ (wmei Black ¡ (wmei a»… / (White)
evaporation—helping you stay dry and comfortable.
RRP 220.95
P…e Gveen ¡
al… ¡ (meel
Black) (Biacw
evaporaiian—helping you siay dry and comfortable.
SIS (Youth)
January 2021 - December 2023 XS - S - M — L
cwsewsroso cw3819400 cw3519402 cwsamaa cwaa<94m
Anlhracnel w…e/ mack: WMe/Rnya1 w+…e/ Whue/
Elank/(Whue) ¡ma… ame/(m…» Unwer5|ly Eher Umversw(y Real
(Buck) (Bwacbq
cw3msuss cw38194555 cwamgmg
R…: Blue! u…muy Red ¡ Tnur YeHaw/
evaporalion—helping you stay dry and comfortable.
RRP 219.95
Pme Gveen /
al… ¡ (w…y
Jersey SIS
January 2321 - December 2023 XS - S » M - L » XL
/ /
cw3menm CW3815400 Gwaal3mz Cmal3ma cw:ms4na cwaeisaoz
Mlhracule ¡ White ¡ Black / Whne/ Reyal Whiie/ While ¡ P…e Gveen ¡
Black! (wmey (Black) Bme/ (Biack) Unwe(suly Eine! Umvewsny Red! Black/(Wh1197
(Buck) (au…
cw38154m cw38154353 cwaauwig
Royal Blue! umveqsuy Red ¡ Tour Veliaw/
evaporaiian—helping you siay dry and comfortable.
Y E . …
(Black) ¡wme) (Whue)
Dri»FIT technology helps keep you dry and comfortable.
% Sustainable ummm
January 2020 - December 2022 xs - s - M - L
. a
7 1
Buenº… aw…52 Bv57494no ave749ao2 av……4
Ela:k/Wmel pe…e,e… w…m…l PmeGreen/ men……
(wme7 a..g…c………/ (Black) GmgeGrsen/ /(Elack)
(Black) ……
S& Sustainable materials
u………/ a… a… u…… Red/ m…… Savew0range/
M…… …… M…… Na… …… …/ u…… Gnm/ …… Ovangel
(w…) (w…. |Whue] (a…… ……
- Dn-FIT technology hehps keep you dry and comfortabke.
RRP 216.95
demghl N…/
me Eme /
January 2018 - December 2021 S - M - L - XL - 2XL
¡ ' … …
' , ¡[si
From panel graphic is embossed for subtle styie.
Mesh back panel provides addiiional brealhabilily.
Ribbed v—neck collar provides a versa!ile m.
January 2018 - December 2021 XS - S - M — L
' , o
3941 |st 0 BQM 137057 ¡394113400 (190113302
Black/While! mua Grey! wma / Black! Fine Green/
(wme) Black ¡ (Eiackl (Black) w… / (While)
ag…smz 5941 13453 89411346A asu 13557
umvemry Blue / a…: Blue/ Reyal Blue/ Unwersuly Red/
Wmle/(Whue) White l(whne) Umvemly Gold ¡ w… / fwm.e7
Safety Orange!
Black / ¿arma
- From panel graphic is embassed for sublle style.
M…… N… /
Unwersuy Red ¡
vw Pink!
Black / (Buck)
RRP 216.95
Midnight Navy/
While ¡ (wr—ne)
Umvecslly Gold!
Black / lalac>d
January 2018 - Decembet 2021 S - M » L - XL - 2XL
, er-
( ¡' '
From panel graphic is embassed for subtle style.
Ribbed v—neck collar provides a versatile fut.
January 2018 - December 2021 XS - S - M — L
394|wnin BQAHHIS7 ag…uoo egmmoz
Black ¡ Whlie/ mua Grey ¡ wma / Black ¡ Pine Green ¡
(wme) Black ¡ (Eiackl (Black) w… / (While)
agm…2 ag…wsa es…uea 8941wa57
umvemw Blue / a…: Blue/ Reyal Blue/ Unwersuly Red/ White llWhne) u……¡y Gale ¡ w… / rwm.e7
Saler Orange ¡
Black / law.…
- From panel graphic is embassed for sublle style.
M…… N… /
umm… Red!
v… Pink!
Black / (Buck)
RRP 214.95
Midnight Navy/
While ¡ (wr—ne)
Umversuy Gold!
Black / lalac>d
Life0ycle Available in
January 2019 - December 2021 S - M » L - XL - 2XL
nk , I A , Is
“ ! X ! * Y
… unasemo Alma4m umm AJ…an unsgmnz
BIack/Whlle/ Wh'nel Black! Whhe/ wm… / Rºyal P|ne Green!
1 Wmlel(wme) Black! (Black) Umvemly Red / Blue ¡ mw …… Green!
Blank/(Black) (Black) Acum Gmen/
' ¡unamun um54& Mm557 Mm739
Mlomgm Navy/ Fla¡al Blue/ Umvemly Reel Umvetsuy Geld/
Royal Blue! whnelwme/ whhe/ wm… Black/ Blank!
nº… Blue! (w…) (w…) (Blank)
Product Features
,. - This product is made wilh at least 75% recycled polyester fubers.
' ( - Dri»FIT technology helps you stay dry. comfortable and focused.
- Mesh underarm and shoulder insets add breathability.
_ - Hybrid v—neck collar has taped seems for a smoolh feel.
' . - Swoosh design trademark is embroidered on the right chest.
Ela:k/ wm… While / Black!
Black ¡ (wmer While / (Black)
Mldmghl …… a…: Blue /
Royal Blue! Whnelwmte/
R…: Blue! (Whnel
Whrle /
Umvevslly Red/
Umvevs4ly Red/
wma / While /
XS - S - M - L
wma / Rºyal Fine Green/
Blue / Rayal Blue While/While!
/(ere7 (Wmel
Black / Black /
Mesh underarm and shoulder lnsets add brealhability.
Swoosh design trademark is embroidered on lhe right chest.
RRP 216.95
Mldmghl Navy/
While ¡ While ¡
January 2020 - December 2023
en… ¡ rw…) w… ¡ (Black) p… a…/
Unlverslly Red! Team Red! Vell! lBl¡—mkl
(wma; (wma;
Product Features
This product is made with at least 75% recycled polyester fubers.
Dri»FIT technology helps keep you dry and comfortable.
Mesh back panel adds hreathability.
Slim fil for a tailored feel.
RRP 215.95
r… Vellaw ¡ s…, Orange ¡
la…) lBl.-cN
January 2020 - December 2023 XS - S - M - L
Black ¡ (wmey Whne / (su…) ;… Green/ M…… N… ¡ Umversuy Blue/
Bvs7wa&7 evavme77 ¡Mmm Bve74m7|9 avsnnmg
Umve|swty Red ¡ Team Red ¡ Vall ¡ m1am r… VeHaw ¡ si… o…ge/
(wma) (wr—ne) (aw…) (Blaclq
- Dri-FIT technology helps keep you dry and comfortable.
RRP 213.95
Royal ame ¡
(wma) Mhnel mune) (While)
Dri»FIT technology helps you stay dry and comfortable.
V-neck collar is taped for a smooth feel against the skin.
Mesh on the back and sides provides additional breaihability.
Slim fit for a tailored feel.
XL RRP 215.95
Dri-FIT technology hetps you stay dry and comfortable.
V-neck collar is taped for a smooth (eel against the skin.
Mesh on the back and sides provides additional breathability.
Standard ¡it for a relaxed, easy feel.
¡wm-el Buck» rw…) (w…
Dri»FIT technology helps keep you dry and comfortable.
January 2020 - December 2023 XS - S - M - L
M…e) (Buck) (wma)
Dri»FIT lechnalogy helps keep you dry and comfortable.
RRP 212.95
Umversuy Blue ¡
vm / (Black)
January 2020 - December 2023
en… ¡ rw…) w… ¡ (Black) p… Geen/
avsvzues Bv672&547 Bv572&557
R…: Blue! Com1 Fumle/ u…… a…
(wm… (Wmle) Mn.-el
Slim fil for a tailored feel.
XS - S - M - L > XL
Hyper qu ¡ Mudmgm Navy/ ……le Elue/
sa…; (wn… (w…)
Dri»FIT lechnalogy helps keep you dry and comfortable.
January 2021 - December 2023 S - M » L - XL - 2XL
Futures only
lWhue) Nvme)
Y E . …
January 2021 - December 2023 S - M > L - XL - 2XL
. l º' … . » . . .
¡ X cwse5&mo cw3855400 cwaa55aaz cw3355463 cwaa55a57
_ Black ¡ wme/ White ¡ su… / v…e Green / Rºyal e… ¡ University Red ¡
(Whli97 (Black7 wma/av…) Whlie/(Whliel Whire/(Whlie7
L - Body: 85% Polyester/15% Spandex. Mesh: 100% Polyester.
Dri»FIT technology helps you stay dry and comfortable.
Mesh on the back and inner legs helps keep you cool when the game heats up.
Elastic waistband and hidden drawcovd provide a personalized lit.
Standard lil for a relaxed, easy feel.
Manel Mhnel …… (www
4-way stretch fabric moves with you on the pitch.
Hem vents help you move freely.
January 2019 - December 2021 XS - S - M - L
Mme) Mme) (ere)
4-way stretch fabric moves wilh you on the pilch.
Hem venis help you move freely.
RRP 216.95
Royal Blue!
January 2021 - December 2022 S - M » L - XL - 2XL
avsaszma avmzmn Bv555zanz Bveeszm Bvsasum Ev53524ss
BIack/mee/ Whne/ Black! Fme Gveen/ Green Spa(k/ Mudmgm Navy/ a…: Blue!
Wmlel(whnel Black! (Black) Whne / Wmle/ wack/ ¿Black, Wh|le/ (w…) wn.xelwme ¡
Mn.-el (wr—ue)
Team Reyal! c…… Pumle/ Umvevs4ly Red/ …… Orange!
Wmlel(whuel Wmle lwnne/ Whhe/ wmu/ Black/ (Black;
Dri»FIT lechnalogy helps you stay dry. comfortable & focused.
Mesh stripes on the lower legs add brealhability.
January 2020 - December 2022 xs - s - M - L
S& Sustainable maieriais
Dri-FIT iechnoiegy heipe you stay dry, eomferiah|e and focused.
Mesh stripes on the lower legs add breathability.
RRP 214.95
Royal Eme /
While/ iwnnei
(Black) ¡Wme) (Bum (w…)
Dri»FIT technology helps you stay dry. comfortable and focused.
Stretchy waislband is Iined with mesh for breathability.
January 2020 - December 2023 XS - S - M - L
) ¡
Black ¡ (wmey Pewle( e… ¡ Whne/ lBlack) Pme Green ¡ Hyper r…q ¡
avsaasmz Bv6355493 BVBBGS$35 Bveessáñ7 avsass4w
Umveqslly Blue/ Royal Blue/ Bnghl c……/ Unwerery Red/ Team Red/
(wmre) (wn-ne; (Black) ¡wme) (wm…
avsaa5ma Bv…739 Bvaas5mº
r… Yellow ¡ Umvecslly Gold ¡ 5…er Orange/
(Black] (Black) (Black)
Dri»FIT lechnalogy helps you stay dry, comfortable and focused.
Sirelchy waislband is Iined with mesh fm brealhability.
RRP 210.95
Mldnlghl Navy/
Vall / (Buck)
¡VW—uº) ¡WMe) (wm)
Dri»FIT technology helps you stay dry, comfortable and focused.
Stretchy waislband is Iined with mesh for breathability.
un4veqswy Red ¡
January 2020 - December 2023
- 100% Polyesler.
M…… Navy ¡
M…gm Navy ¡
Royal Blue ¡
Rºyal Blue ¡
Mesh on the back of the jersey creates ventilation.
Stretchy waislband on the shorts is lined with mesh for breathability.
Umvel$lly Red/
umm / (Wme)
January 2020 - December 2021 S - M - L - XL - 2XL
Bv5711493 Bv67i Moe BV67117503
Dri-FIT technology helps keep you dry, comfortable and focused.
Flexible fabric on the sieeves give you the lreedom to make every save.
Slim fit for a tailored feel.
January 2020 - December 2021 XS - S » M - L RRP 245.95
XL RRP £54.95
Green s…u/ Team Rºyal! Team Drange/
ug… Green Blue Spark ¡ ann… Orange/
s… 1 (Green (r… Reyan (r… Ofangel
Flexible labric on the sieeves give you lhe heedom lo make every save.
Slim fil for a tailored feel.
January 2020 - December 2021 S - M » L - XL - 2XL
Evs7mssa av571u77 Bv57wans
- Slim fit for a tailored feel.
Lilecyole Available in
- Dri»FIT lechnalogy helps keep you dry, comfortable and focused.
Padded Goalkeeper Tight RRP233.95
(Y outh)
Li(ecycle Available in
April 2020 - December 2021 XS - S - M - L FiFiP 233.95
XL RRP $39.95
I.iiecycle Available in
- Dri»FIT technology helps keep you dry, comfortable and focused.
XL RRP $34.95
meneame me… menes—453 cmsamz meneame
Dri-FIT technology helps keep you dry. comfortable and focused.
Mesh across the back provides added breathahility.
January 2020 - December 2023
Black! Wme/ Pewler Grey / Raya» a…e/
(ere) wma / (Black) Whrle/1Whue)
- mo% Polyesler.
XL FIFIP 226.95
045072770? ceea7zm
Mesh across the back provides added breathabiiity.
Y E . …
Black ¡ Anmrache ¡ Dark Hyper n.… ¡ vw Purpie ¡ vou ¡ a…… 555er Ovange ¡
Amhracule ¡ Grey / ¡mm ey… Glew ¡ a… v…… ¡ Green ¡ (Van) ram Orange ¡
mnlhracue) Guy) ¿Hypev Turq) Mm Purple) (Saiely Orange)
you stay dry, comionable and focused.
Color—tipping along the collar adds a subtle conilasi.
r 5 … …
Liíecycle Available in
June2018-March2022 XS -S-M -L-XL-2XL
¡mamma m7ssnsa Mmmm w7357551 mnsvm mmm
Black ¡ Anmr.u:he ¡ Dm Hyper n.… ¡ vw Purple ¡ vm ¡ Elecmc Sam—¡ Ovange ¡
…nmle¡ Grey) [Hyper m…; Mm Purple) (Samy Orange)
Product Features
- This product is made with at least 75% recycled polyester fibers.
you stay dry. comfortable and focused.
June2018- March 2022 XS -S- M - L-XL-2XL
precision fit.
January 2020 - December 2021 XS: UK 12>2 - 5: UK 2-5 - M: UK 5.5-7.5
- L: UK 8-11> XL: UK 11>14.5
Black! Whne /wme/ Flne Green/ Green Spark/ Hyper Tuvq ¡ Unlve(slly Blue!
Anlhracule ¡ (Black) Gmge Gveeu/ uaucx) Hyper … ¡ llaly Blue!
(wmel Mme) (Elmo an1mgm Navy)
cv< 955453 cv1955477 cv195&535 cv19554557 cv195a719 cv< 955391
Royal Blue ¡ Team Rºyal ¡ Bnghl Cnmsen/ Unlversuly Red/ T… Vellnw ¡ Tm Ovange ¡
Mldmghl Navy/ (Wh|le) Bughl Cnmscn/ Gym Red ¡ Unrversrly Gold/ lEla-:k7
Dynamic arch provides a supporlive lil and feel.
- L: UK 8-11 >XL: UK 11>14.5
(Black) / (Buck) a… (whuey (Whue)
Cushioning in high»wear areas helps absorb impact.
Dynamic arch provides a supponive fit and feel.
April 2020 - December 2021 S/M: UK 2-7.5 > L/XL: UK 8-14.5
skaoaama s»
(Whlle) (Whllel (Wme)
- Secure m helps keep your shin guards in place.
January 2021 - December 2022
I 5 I
Elank/ (Whuel Whvhe ¡(Blackl Reyal Blue/
- 95% polyeslev/5% spandex.
S/M: UK2-7.5 > L/XL: UK 8-14.5
M…… N…: u…… Real
(wnne) Gvey7 (wma) (wma) (w…7
Sirelchy fabric with a smooth face provides a Iow—friclion unde—rlayer.
Invisible lhumb loops stay hidden when not in use.
Swoosh design trademark is heat lransferred on the center of lhe chesl.
Y E a M
January 2019 - December 2023 xs - s - M - |. HRF' 212.95
XL RRP 214.95
(wr—ne) Gvey7 tw…) (wr—rre)
Stretchy (abrio with a smooth face provides a low-friciion underiayer.
Invisibie thumb loops stay hidden when not in use.
Swoosh design trademark is heat iransferred on the center oi the chest.
Long-Sleeve Top
October 2019-June 2021 S- M - L-XL-2XL
Bv55wom av55wasa BV556(HDD ev55euau
Black ¡ (wmel Smoke Grey/ Whlle/ (Black) Game Royal /
- Nike Pro labric with sweat-wicking technology helps you (eel locked in and cool.
- Lightwexghl, 5tretchy labric lets you move comlorlably.
, .
Nike Pro fabric with sweat-wickmg technology helps you feel ¡ocked ¡n and cool.
Lightweight, stretchy ¡abrio lets you move comiorlably.
October 2019 - June 2021 S - M > L - XL - 2XL
- Nike Pm fabric with sweat-wickmg technology helps you iee| locked ln and cool.
- Lightweight, stretchy fabric lets you move comionably.
Short-Sleeve Top
Nike Pro fabric with sweal-wicking technology helps you feel locked in and cool.
Stretchy. Iightweight fabric lets you move comfonably.
October 2019 - June 2021 S - M > L - XL - 2XL
Elastic: 45% Nylon/43% Recycled Polyesler/11% Spandex.
in and coo| when the action heats up.
Men 5 N|ke Pro Short ¡1an95
Lifecycle Available in
0010ber2019 - June 2021 S - M - L - XL - 2XL
… '… “
Bv5535mn Bv5&sns5 EV5&354M
si…: …… Smoke Grey! Whhe/(Blaclq
mg… 5…
Grey ¡ (Emu)
Product Features
Elastic: 46% Nylon/43% Recycied Poiyester/11% Spandex.
locked in and comi when the amion heais up.
suppori and is vented for breaihability.
Sports Bra
January 2n20 - December 2021 xs rA-C) _ s (A—C) - s (D-E) - M (A»C) -
M (D-E) _ L (A»C) - L (D»E) - xr. (D»E)
Black ¡ (wr—…el
81% Nylon/19% Spandex. Pad: 100% Polyurethane. Pad back fabric: 100%
Dri»FIT technology helps keep feet dry and comfortable.
Medium-Support 1-Piece Pad
locked in and cool when the action heats up.
support and is vented for breathability.
Medium-Support Sports Bra
“ _
Dri»FIT lechnalogy helps keep feet dry and comfortable.
Exposed elaslic band resisls slipping so ¡( stays in place.
January 2021 - December 2022
Black ¡ (erei
evaporaliun to help you stay dry and comfortable.
reaching far groceries or bending ¡nio a squat. The sides are seamless and the
The design includes 2 hidden pockets in the mid-rise waisiband to keep you
ready for whatever you tackle in a day. The pocket al the back is big enough to
Tighl fit for a bcdy-hugging feel.
January 2021 - December 2022 S - M > L - XL - 2XL
Ventilaled mesh panels along the back of the lower legs create airflow for
January 2021 - December 2022
Black ¡ lwmel
and supported.
supponive comforl.
nalural lines while reducing distraclions.
January 2021 - December 2022 XS - S - M - L » XL - 2XL
. ' ' ' '
cwsmvn14 cws1nHoo cws1ovssz cwmom53 cwsmusa cwsm1&57
Black/Whhe/ wme/ Black! ng… Green Onsmmn/Wmle Rwa18lue/ u…»…q Red!
……er Black! (Eiack) s…< / w…/ ¡ Royal Blue! Wme/ cas…… Wmlelem Red
(wm) Fine Gteeu/ ¡wma ¡ (w…) /Mh¡le)
T… Red/ Tom Yellnw/
Wnnel.lersey Black!
Gum/(wma) Anmracnel
Dri»FIT technology helps keep you dry and comfortable.
Mesh panels on the back and sides help you stay cool.
Standard fil for a relaxed. easy feel.
January 2021 - December 2022 XS - S - M - L
. , ' '
cwsma4m cwemarma cws
Anlhracule/ Black/(Black] Spark/Whhe/ ¡Rºyal Elue/ While/Obswdwan
(wme) P…e Green/ ¡wme) / ¡Wh.xe,
T… Red/ Tn… Vellaw/
While ¡ Jevsey Black/
e… ¡ (wma) Amma… ¡
- Standard fit for a relaxed, easy feel.
FIRP 212.95
Univasily Red/
While / Gym Red
/ ¡Whuel
Y e . …
© Academy 21 PO|O RRP 226.95
Lifecycle Available in
January 2021 - December 2022 s - M » |. - XL - 2XL
cwslnum cwem…o cwm…sz cwela…a ewal…sa cwel…57
Elank/Whlle/ Whlle/Elackl nghlGreerl ma…/w… …… Blue/ u……s………
Mlhral:llel Black/ (Black) se… / wme/ (Royal Blue! wme/ onsam wn.le/Gym Red
le-lll67 Flne Green/ lvl/hnº] l(Whllº) /lWhllel
- Fold-aver collar and 2»bumn placket create a classic look.
January 2021 - December 2022 XS - S - M - L
cwems4m cwems4w cwsmmsz cwoma453 cwameasa
Black/wme/ wma/emu Ligthveen Ob5|d|an/Whlle Royal Blue!
Anlhracne/ Black/(Black] SDark/Whue/ ¡Royal Elue/ wma/aww…
(Wmei Pine Grsen/ (Whue) / (Whnel
T… Red/ Tam Vellow/
Whne / Jevsey Black!
Gold / (wr—ne» Amma… /
- Fold-over collar and 2-bunon placket create a class¡c look.
FlFlP 223.95
…ver… Red ¡
While/ Gym Red
/ (While)
l l
January 2021 - December 2022 XS - S - M - L - XL - 2XL
Black/While! While / Black/ ugm Green 0hsud|an/While Royai Blue! umm… Red ¡
Mlhraculel Black / (Black) se… / wme/ (Royal Blue! wma ¡ ºbsidian While/Gym Red
(wme7 Fine Green/
Team Red/ rn… Vellaw/
While ¡ Jersey Black!
Gold / (Whi